<a href="http://gutterwatermusic.bandcamp.com/track/wretched-earth">Wretched Earth by Gutter Water Music</a>

Saturday, October 11, 2008


Yo yo. Oddity. Gutter Water in the blog spot. So check it we are in the midst of getting this site up and running,so definitely stay tune in. But I just thought I would kick this off by saying that we are living in some real crazy times. As we speak the puppet masters are making their move to enslave us. We can see it happening and it is a trip because as artists we have been trying to warn everyone about the coming collapse and the unseen hand that is guiding humanity to a totalitarian state . No matter what happens do not let them insert their program based FEAR into your mind. I was watching the news (if thats what you call it) and they were talking about this 700 billion dollar bailout. So If I didnt know what they were really doing...centralizing all financial systems into one central bank which will distribute the credit and loans..then this farce still wouldnt make any sense to me. Here is a quick fact; there are 301,139,947 people in the United Snakes i mean States..if you were to devide that 7oo billion and give it to the people than each person would get $233,000.This is not the answer but with money like that each person could definately pay off their debt and use the remainder to stimulate this economy...but no the federal reserve(which is about as federal as federal express) will just print more fiat currency and try and control the markets. But do not trip we are going to beat these enemies of humanity and we will have true freedom. By the way cop some product and support Gutter Water.

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