<a href="http://gutterwatermusic.bandcamp.com/track/wretched-earth">Wretched Earth by Gutter Water Music</a>

Friday, October 14, 2011


.::Free Download of the BSOD ALBUM Check it out::..

Sunday, July 3, 2011

...if the cops try and search your digital device... Click To Get Up On Game

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Read>> Oddity Orwell

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Illegal Truth 101

Oddity Orwell on The Epic Show Podcast discussing conspiracy fact and the officiaLIES theories from 9-11 to who really funded the Nazi's (Companies like Standard Oil Shell, Citi Bank, Wall Street, The Bush Family, Ford and more). We get into a wide variety of subjects so buckle your seat belt light your DMT..hahah. But really though .. So open it up, check it out and spread it around like a hoodie ..
Download Show Here or on iTunes

Thanks for the support GTRWTR frvr
<<..<<<<<....Wretched Earth is coming....>>>>>..>>

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Swank of America

Home Owner forecloses on Bank of America... This is dope. A little revenge for all the homes that have been stolen from people unjustly...Wretched Earth

Oddity Orwell

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Iron Out The Irony

Iron Out The Irony
Illegal Truth

Very ironic that our government and media say that our intelligence community had no forewarning or foreknowledge of the attacks on 9-11 but than they say it is impossible that Pakistan did not know that Usama was chilling in a mansion outside the capitol. Ironic..

Another ironic thing that I have been seeing is that people are in a craze that Obama made a statement about Israel and their 1967 borders. After he made this vague proposal an uproar ensued and it was as if he announced we will not be giving Israel the 8.2 million dollars a day or 3 billion a year which is roughly one-fifth of America's entire foreign aid budget. In fact, this year Obama requested an increase for foreign military financing for Israel to "Help ensure that Israel maintains its qualitive military edge over potential threats and prevent a shift in the security balance of the region."

So Obama said "The borders of Israel and Palestine should be based on the 1967 lines with mutually agreed swaps, so that secure and recognised borders are established for both states." and everyone was in an uproar. Mike Huckabee said Obama "Betrayed Israel" and Mit Romney said "Obama has thrown Israel under the bus". Many are acting like Obama's statement was a new radical idea but they are not correct. Both Clinton and W Bush suggested the exact same

The foriegn policy of the US towards Israel has and will remain the same. We back up Israel regardless of what they due and we will continue to increase military aid to thier government every year as far as I can tell, forever. Those who act like Obama is secretly a Musilim make me chukle. Has'nt Obama increased bombings in Pakistan, dont we have 2 wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and arent we bombing Muslims in Libya. Also if you think Obama hates Jewish people just look at how many Jewish people he has in his cabinant. I mean his former chief of
staff was Rham Emanual whose father, Benjamin M. Emanuel, is a Jerusalem-born pediatrician who was once a member of the Irgun an orginization that helped bomb civilian populated areas with the end goal of creating a Jewish state. Some of the better-known attacks by the Irgun were the bombing of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem on 22 July 1946 and the Deir Yassin massacre (carried out together with Lehi) on 9 April 1948. "The policy of the new organization was based squarely on Jabotinsky's teachings: every Jew had the right to enter Palestine; only active retaliation would deter the Arabs; only Jewish armed force would ensure the Jewish state".

Do you seriously think Obama is anti-Israel. Until people wake up, stop polarizing issues and thoroughly study history we are going to be shit out of luck. We are now in a "cold" war with Pakistan and it will eventually heat up and China and Russia will be forced to hop into the boiling kettle. China has already said "Any attack on Pakistan would be construed as an attack on China." I can see it happening as clear as a glass of fluoridated water. Some black ops team will obtain the material to make a dirty bomb and hand it off to covert agents of the neo-Taliban alCIAda. Than this weapon will make its way from Pakistan through the borders of Afghanistan and it will be used. Than the Anglo/American intelligence establishment will be on a mission to destroy Pakistan in an overt information war. The media will be in an outrage, crying out that Pakistan Government has no control over thier people and the country is a terrorist outpost. The neo-cons will love Obama and the liberals will ask for more humanitarian care bombs to be dropped. This is the grand chessboard. China and Russia will be forced into this conflict and we will see a real world war. So Rambo it up America, we are on our way to war with a nucleur power who the past decade has been a huge allie in the war on terror but Pakistan is now needed to be the new enemy.. hooah.

Luckily a lot of younger people see past this left/right scheme and WE also have HipHop Kulture which teaches us unity. We experience this Kulture not as Jews, Muslims, Christians, Catholics or Buddhists but as Hiphoppas. And when we are attuned we overstand that we are all that is....
Oddity Orwell

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

May 3rd .. Raekwon (Wu-Tang).. Wretched Earth

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Next Tuesday..May 3rd.. Live at The Detroit Bar in Costa Mesa ..Club Mercy Presents.. Raekwon from Wu-Tang Clan.. Also performing Wretched Earth (Castor Pollux and Oddity Orwell), Aliso Black, O-Phrap, Cirious & Deelux, Noa James and more.. Come through and rep. Gutter Water Music.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

You are the Resistance

High Quality Image Click Here

We continue to resist the tyranny of these greedy kings. Wretched Earth album dropping soon. Stay Posted.

Monday, March 7, 2011


New album out now! Blue Screen of Death
iota_arcane & Dysposable Heroes
Produced by Dysposable Heroes
Featuring: Castor Pollux, Oddity, DJ Zoo and Zero


Thursday, January 20, 2011

Peep this vid out.. Stay posted for New Music.. Check out Castor Pollux ftr DJ Vadim "16 to 32 Bars to Rock" and also www.ReverbNation.com/CastorPollux for some new Gutter Water Music tracks..heaters.
Oddity Orwell