<a href="http://gutterwatermusic.bandcamp.com/track/wretched-earth">Wretched Earth by Gutter Water Music</a>

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Happy Holidays! We Come Offering Gifts!

Gutter-Water Singles:
Gutter-Water Music is proud to present the 1st installment in a long running series that will be known as Gutter-Water Singles. We hope that with this venture we'll be able to cypher out new music in between albums and maintain a solid stance as a a crew who is constantly working and developing new ideas and music.So with that we ask that you tune in...enjoy the music...and stay tuned for future installments as we will return.....

We hope you all enjoy...Happy Holidays...The Gutter-Water Music Family

Gutter-Water Singles Vol.1 / Dysposable Heroes-The Frost-Bite Ep.
Marking it's 1st installment in the Gutterwater Singles Catalog , Dysposable Heroes offer up a hot batch of tracks for the holidays and certain change of face. Mainly known for smashing out hip-hop and boom-bap classics , the dysposable camp express they're diversity with a release veined in the more down-tempo region. We would provide a brief description on the songs but rather you gain your our perspective...

Click Here To Download The Frost-Bite EP


Tuesday, December 16, 2008


-- Gutter Water Music Co --
  • people to hand out flyer's at shows / Events
  • Consistent promotion on the internet (facebook , myspace, etc.)
  • Assisting the acts when on the road (merch table ,flyers etc)
We will be able to hook you up with admission into the shows you go promote at as well exclusive music ,stickers, and gear + much more .
  • Any young artists out there, we are willing to trade you beats or Features from any GWM artist for your time as well .
Support Locally !
  • support locally

Thursday, December 11, 2008


Well yesterday was a crazy day. Everyone at my job got laid off. Everyone except me and another person all because we make less in wages. Wow for one time being the poorest guy on the line paid off. But really though, they even laid off the guy who got me the job who just happens to be my brother in law. I wanted to leave but he told me stay and take care of your family. Man, I was pissed off. I was thinking about what direction to aim my anger; do I aim it at the heavens, do I aim it at the bosses and owners, do I aim it at myself, or do i aim my anger at my loved ones. No I choose to aim my anger at the omnivorous, power hungry system of liars and control freaks. This, for lack of better words, mafia has monopolized all industries in all forms of life. Who are "they". They are the Rothschild/Rockefeller crime syndicate. They are the CFR/Bilderberg gang. They operate in the City of London, in the old musty rooms in Vatican City, and in the white painted industrial centers in the rural lands of Colorado and Virginia. They own all media outlets and they control what you see, hear, believe and what you think about. Just do some research into what companies own the media and who runs those companies and to what organizations they belong to. It is like the game we use to play as children, connect the dots.

So here is an example of what I'm talking about. This is the Gov in Illinois suspending business with bank of America on 12/08/08.

and here he is the day after he made that speech.

Now I bet this guy is corrupt and he probably is guilty but they are all corrupt and they are all guilty. This just shows how this global cartel keeps politicians from speaking truth and representing the people. If you speak out of line...bam...now your dirt is exposed.

But we the people, it is us that must refuse. We could own these bastards any day of the week. Just remember you, the individual, have the power to say no...no more.