<a href="http://gutterwatermusic.bandcamp.com/track/wretched-earth">Wretched Earth by Gutter Water Music</a>

Friday, November 5, 2010


We are constantly under attack. This is something we have been talking about for a long time. I have watched the sky be painted with lines that last for hundreds of miles, than I have observed within a few days it rains and than I see how many people start having flu symptoms. The elite vampires are out to decimate the population and keep us in a hypnotized mind state. Wretched Earth Mother Fucker. Swallow the Truth or die choking on Lies. Check out the movie below.

Friday, October 1, 2010

No Pressure


Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Friday, August 27, 2010

Illegal Theatre "United We Fall"

Check this one out, its a good Documentary about the fall of the American Empire and the plan to create a North American Union.

Go to NoEUnoNWO to view the rest of the movie.

Monday, August 23, 2010

"The Mosquerade"

"The Mosquerade"
By Oddity Orwell

So I turn on the good ol' mind control box and I see everyones caught up in a debate over the Mosque being built near Ground Zero... what about the heroes of 9-11, the rescue workers that are dying from lung diseases because the EPA said the air was not an issue. These men and women have not received any sort of appropriate compensation, medical or monetary, from either party of our Government. I will not get into details about the official story on 9-11 or the anomalies that took place that infamous day but I will advise you to research the subject. Now, the whole issue of the Mosque is there to create division, chaining paradigms to polar group think and to keep people's attention diverted from the real issues and the real threat to our freedom. The Imam for this Mosque, Faisal Abdul Rauf, is a member of the elite global cabal's, Council on Foreign Relation's Religious Advisory Committee (CFR). The CFR is a who's who of Wall St. lions, Corporate giants, Military Industrial Complex generals, Intelligence hawks, Political leaders, Presidents and CEO's which include some of the worlds leading humanists and care giving companies like:

Bank of America
Goldman Sachs
Chevron Corporation
Exxon Mobil Corporation
General Electric Company
JPMorgan Chase & Company
Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co.
Lockheed Martin Corporation
Morgan Stanley
Shell Oil Company
Rockefeller Group International, Inc.
The Blackstone Group L.P.
Boeing Company
DynCorp International
Raytheon Company
Rothschild North America, Inc.

And some of fun loving individuals like:
George HW Bush, Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney, Paul Wolfowitz, Elliott Abrams, Vin Weber, John R. Bolton, General Colin L. Powell, Condoleezza Rice, Robert Zoellick, Rupert Murdoch, Henry Kissinger, David Rockefeller, Jay Rockefeller, Paul Adolph Volcker, Alan Greenspan, Ben Bernanke, James Schlesinger, Rudy Giuliani, John McCain, Mike Huckabee, Fred Thompson, Mitt Romney, Elliott Abrams, Paul Warburg, Newton L. Gingrich, Robert Gates, Janet Napolitano, Susan Rice, Timothy F. Geithner, Bill (Hillary) Clinton, John Kerry, Madeleine Albright, Richard Holbrooke, Obama's cabinet is full of CFR members just like Bush's.

To see the CFR's influence on US foreign policy just look at a list of secretaries of state who have been CFR members:
Edward Stettinius (D), George Marshall (D), Dean Acheson (D), John Foster Dulles (R), Christian Herter (R), Dean Rusk (D), William Rogers (R), Henry Kissinger (R), Cyrus Vance (D), Edmund Muskie (D), Alexander Haig (R), George Shultz (R), James Baker (R), Lawrence Eagelberger (R), Warren Christopher (D), William Richardson (R), Madeleine Albright (D), Colin Powell (R), and Condoleezza Rice (R).

The majority of these companies and individuals make billions of dollars off of wars and tragedies. The Council on Foreign Relations was born out of the failure of the League of Nations after World War 1. They are a major globalist organization who have had a lead role in establishing a central bank, a federal income tax and to establish control of our, not so different, two political parties. Their mission statement: "The Council on Foreign Relations is an independent, nonpartisan membership organization, think tank, and publisher dedicated to being a resource for its members, government officials, business executives, journalists, educators and students, civic and religious leaders, and other interested citizens in order to help them better understand the world and the foreign policy choices facing the United States and other countries."

The ultimate goal is to create a international corporation, a one world system, that foresees all actions and policies over the companies (governments) it micromanages. In order to create a World Order they must create tension and keep the civilian population, so distracted by their religious, political and physical differences, that the people never see the unseen hand that is exploiting them and leading them into full spectrum slavery.

So, the point of the "The Mosquerade" is to shine a small light on the subject matter that has people in such an uproar. Whether for or against; If the argument is that a small group of people define the entire ideology of a religion than Catholic Churches should not be built near elementary schools.

Wake up before you can't.
Peace>>Oddity Orwell..Wretched Earth

CFR Membership Lists:

For a more detailed and precise description of the situation check the articles linked below:

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Fat Beats Closing the doors!!!

Due to the sad news of Fat Beats closing, let's take a look at some of the dopeness they've done recently and in the past:

Moss and Eternia: Moss is a murder beat maker and Eternia is dope! Peep..

Preemo and Ill Bill - Society is Brainwashed: you already know...

Black Milk ft. Royce - Losing Out - WOOOOO!!!!
I dont know what it is, but its gonna be dope...

Monday, August 16, 2010

John Massey - Video for Broken Defense (blpsq007)

This is an ill video produced by the Automatic Message. Almost as haunting as the song. Gutter Water pushing boundaries yo!

Let's get one thing straight....

Gutter Water Music is a collection of artists, friends, and thinkers. We are a collective of more than one sound, more than one media, more than one mind....If you are reading this, you're a part of our collective. You are the ears and the eyes that help us to look more at ourselves everyday. I guess behind any cryptic, ambiguous message what Im really saying is thanks. Thanks for the support, the love, the hate, the apathy and empathy.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Site update

Whattup yall, just making some slight adjustments to the site, you will notice a social network link on the bottom of each post, dont be afraid to post some ish up on Facebook, Twitter, or GoogleBuzz, yo!

More updates soon!

Zero Uno

Friday, July 30, 2010

Food, Inc

Check this..This will make you think twice before filling your belly.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Invisible Empire

Its been a minute Gutter Headz but we have been in the Lab building getting ready to release the "Wretched Earth" album. We got a lot of things coming up so stay posted. So here is a flick to check out. Invisible Empire; A New World Order Defined. Make sure you peep it out. Peace - Oddity Orwell

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Free Music

Here is some free shit for all the www.HuskeyRadio.com listeners. Just Right click and save as.

Wretched Earth - Music To Get Shot By Drop.mp3

Wretched Earth Single Pack "RoboKops" and "The Soundtrack To Our Lives" These are the two new singles off Wretched Earth "Revelations 13:9" Coming Soon. Its a Serato Pack.

Castor Pollux "Underdogg Remix"

Oddity Orwell "Lonely People"

Castor Pollux "Better Way"

Oddity Orwell "Welcome To The New World Order"

This is a little something to hold you over until the Wretched Earth album drops.
Tonight..Wretched Earth Live On www.HuskeyRadio.com at 8pm

Friday, March 12, 2010

Live Tonight 03/12/2010

Tonight at Malones C-Rayz Walz, Wretched Earth, DJ Zoo, DJ Zero 1 and More..
604 E.Dyer Rd. Santa Ana,CA
Click On Flyer For Large Version

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Imaginary Slave Write up

Taken From ComicBookCollectorsBlog

Iota_Arcane's Imaginary Slave?

Yes, AND Much More, as Seen At the 2009 Long Beach Comic (LBCC)!

Click Here to see our ENDING SOONEST comics, magazines, toys and more listings!

Above (l-r): The creative team of Iota_Arcane & D. Castr at the Taco Comics Table in Artists Alley of the Long Beach Comic Con!

To the Top Right: The Front Cover to the 1st Issue of Iota_Arcane's Imaginary Slave!

To the Bottom Right: The album cover to Iota_Arcane's 'Dead Androids' album!

Click here to see our UNDERGROUND COMICS for sale!
Click here to see our NON-CATEGORIZED COMICS for sale!

Above: Iota_Arcane & D. Castr of Taco Comics at the 2009 Long Beach Comic Con!


Tina and I saw a lot of comics creators at their tables in the Artists Alley at the 2009 Long Beach Comic Con (LBCC)...

But none so wild and crazy as Iota_Arcane and D. Castr at their Taco Comics Table!

Indeed, I've held off blogging about their works for a while, because they just didn't 'fit into' this blog in the 'normal' sense.

Now that doesn't mean their work isn't good, it's just that the work is more of what used to be called 'underground' style, and their music is more hip hop style than what I usually would mention here, if I mentioned music at all. It's a comic book blog after all, you know!

What grabbed Tina's attention was that the comic book shown at the top right was generated from a 'track' on Iota_Arcane's CD titled 'Imaginary Slave'. So the fact that the music media spawned a comic book was interesting to Tina.

For myself, I thought it was a cool background story. The music is hip hop, not my normal listening to music venue. The comic book as you can see from the front cover is kinda weird, but just as 'far out' as the underground comics from the 1960's - 1970's we are selling in our online store.

The tune that plays in the background on the video presented above is kinda catchy... more so than the CD, but again, that is my personal taste in music. I blog about what I like here, and the combo of a CD track to a full blown Comic Book is a story that I like.

As a side note, here's Iota_Arcane's notes on the CD itself: This is a collection of old songs & poems I have been performing live for years. I linked up with a old friend Deadend from Head Hunterz Crue and I was lucky enough to have him do all the production and recording for this project with Dj Step Daddy on the Cuts. This is me doing me. It is super unorthodox with no standard or rules. Just shredding in Rhymes. D. Castr did the cover art. D. Castr and I also have a comic book out based on the "Imaginary Slave" song on this album that correlates with the comic book".

I'm presenting their story here for YOU to check it out further, IF this style of art and / or music is more your speed than mine.

They were fun guys and passionate about their Taco Comics Table at the LBCC. They deserve to have some publicity about their creative products. They are not sitting around waiting for fame to come to them. And also not sitting at their table not paying attention to those passing by. Indeed, they both could have figured that Tina and I were definitely not 'hip' enough to share their creations with, but they were definitely energetic and friendly enough when then realized that Tina and I expressed interest in what they were doing.

Since the LBCC, they have since gone on to do a couple more comic cons that you can see at their websites.

You can check that and them out further at the following links:

Iota_Arcane Band on MySpace Music - Free Streaming MP3s, Pictures & Music Downloads at: http://www.myspace.com/xnationalz

For the Taco Comics Facebook Member Page:


Iota_Arcane & D.Castr's Comics Page: http://www.TacoComics.com

Taco Comics Blog at: http://www.TacoComics.WordPress.com

My thanks to both Iota_Arcane & D. Castr (David Castro) for the time they spent with us at the LBCC. And for the promo comic and CD for a possible mention / review in this Blog.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Interview with iota_arcane

Interview with iota_arcane

January 27th, 2010 by latinabeatz

Taken from LatinaBeatz.com

This was such a fun interview to do. “Iota_Arcane” is not your usual emcee trying to get out there, He uses not only his Love for Hip Hop but also his Humor and creative imagination to bring his music skills with “Comical” illustrations to life.

In this Interiview Iota_Arcane speaks about how he got the name, his new album “Dead Androids“, his appearance on “Americas Got Talent” as “The Worlds Fastest Poet“, He also explains how “Comic Books Are Hip Hop” and illustrated that created his own Comic Book “Imaginary Slave” published by Taco Comics, following up with a very interesting comic manual on care & maintenance titled “How 2 take care of ya”, Iota also shares how he got his hosting gig on HuskeyRadio.com and how even though he’s a “White boy in a black sport and speak fluent Spanish” , plus tons more with exclusive tracks below! Enjoy!

I am really looking forward to this Interview, You are hilarious, You make me crack up!

Thanks, Charm is an asset when you’re broke.

Where did the name “Iota_Arcane” come from?

I have considered myself a MC since 1998 when I put out my first single. At the time up until about 2007 I went as Androydz. I was born in 1978 and during that era Star Wars was huge. My real name is Andrew and my parents have and still do call me Androydz because of the close spelling and the Star Wars droids. In 2007 my good friend Order from U.T.I. said I should change my stage name and start fresh. We sat around for at least a month or two and he came up with iota. I really liked it and figured we had to add something to it because it was so short and needed to be original. He mentioned iota arcane and I was all about it. It fit my persona perfectly. I added the underscore in between the names to reflect my computer nerd background and to make it look like a dos prompt and it’s been nothing but goodness ever since.

The name is iota_arcane. Merriam Webster defines as:
Pronunciation: ..ī-ˈō-tə..
Function: noun
Etymology: Latin, from Greek iōta, of Semitic origin; akin to Hebrew yōdh yod
Date: 1542
1 : the 9th letter of the Greek alphabet 2 : an infinitesimal amount : jot ..

Pronunciation: ..är-ˈkān..
Function: adjective
Etymology: Latin arcanus
Date: 1547
: known or knowable only to the initiate : secret .. ; broadly : mysterious , obscure ..

Let’s talk about the Dead Androids which is hella dope! Serious Hip Hop, I love the beats & mixing. Reminds me of a Hip Hop mashup, What was the mission with creating this? ….

Dead Androids was all the songs I had been performing live since 2000 or so. I was on the TV show “Americas Got Talent” last summer as The World’s Fastest Poet and before it aired I wanted to have a project out just in case people inquired about iota. Click Here to buy Dead Androids off CdBaby.com


I asked a good friend and musician I am a huge fan of Deadend from the Head Hunterz Crue if he would be down to do all the beats on the E.P. to have ready before the TV show aired. We have been friends for over 15 years before any of us did music and he was down. I think the project turned out so well because the songs on this album I have been performing live for almost 10 years. I took my favorites and redid them. I did all the recording in one take with no adlibs all off the dome. All those songs were from my Androydz days and because Deadend did the beats I thought it’s a perfect closing to call the project “Dead Androids.” The song on the album “Imaginary Slave” is a comic book and I had the Comic Book Artist D. Castr from Taco Comics do all the album artwork to correlate the project with the comic book. Gutter Water Music was down. We pressed it up and added it to the Catalog. Click here for the link or watch below

Tell us more about “Imaginary Slave”, I think it’s one of the most creative things I’ve seen, How was that process? -Where can people get it?

Well thanks for the compliment. Comics are Hip Hop. I never imagined myself being a Comic Book Writer. Somehow life works in mysterious ways. I was opening up for Copywrite in Long Beach in early 2009. D. Castr was at the show and after my performance he approached me and said you are very animated, have you ever thought about writing comics. I was like no but I would love to. Click Here to Read the Taco Comic Article on iota

By May 09 we had our first copies of the “Imaginary Slave” hot off the press and premiered it at the San Jose Supercon comic book convention.


Click Here to Read the Comic Taco Article on “Imaginary Slave

The best thing about the comic is it all rhymes and I can perform the comic acapella poetry style which is always good times. From the Imaginary Slave I wrote an Imaginary Slave care and maintenance manual on

How to take care of ya.


”Click Here to Read The Comic Taco Article on “How to take care of ya

I think it hilarious like seriously you wrote an instruction manual on how to take care of something imaginary. Taco comics also published a collection of my poems. A poetry book entitled “Jot Equivocal.” Along with those 3 books I wrote “Odyssey and Oddities” scheduled to get printed up in 2010 about Zombie Dinosaurs in the Center of the Earth. I am also in the works writing stories for Taco Comics for a story called “Beardo” and I am about to write Imaginary Slave #2 along with this universe I created called “East L. Aliens”. The “Imaginary Slave” sold very well. We showcased it at 5 different Comic Con conventions in 2009 and had nothing but very positive feedback. This is available at tacocomics.com, accesshiphop.com or myspace.com/xnationalz

Also in 09 you released Black Blood of Venus, Is it just all beats? The artwork is sick!

BBOV is an instrumental Album I put together with my good friend Namo. We decided to release it only digitally. I really like it. It sounds like futuristic music from the planet Venus. I sit back and listen to it and trip out like who the hell am I. Click Here to buy “Black Blood of Venus” on cdbaby.com


Is that different from the Instrumental album “Lophy Cacophony” you released in 08?

Lophy Cacophony was my first project under the moniker iota_arcane. It was my rebuttal to the Hyphy Movement of the bay. Me being from Socal I use a lot of antique, analog, low bit hardware to make beats. Hyphy meaning Hi-Fidelity I flipped it up on some grimey Lo-Fidelity beats. I really enjoyed creating this album. The album cover alone took me one sitting of 15 hours straight on Photoshop high on Vietnamese coffee to complete. It is definitely its own original sound. Click Here to buy “Lophy Cacophony” on cdbaby.com


Would you say you’re more of a Beat Maker than a Lyricist?

I would say I am more of a Lyricist but I love making beats. I have played the drums since 5th grade. I make music just for fun. I collect old drum machines, records and music equipment. I am infatuated with creative writing. Lyricism is creative writing. I love to take the English language and dissect it. Make it my own. Put things in a way that is not correct but makes sense and sounds fresh. I also love free styling. I think I broke my brain. Back in the day I was so into free styling I never wanted to say the same thing twice. Now when I try to memorize a song I wrote my brain has a hard time because I am so used to trying to say new things all the time.

What’s the process like when you start to write?

I just write. Sometimes I write to a beat, sometimes I just write to nothing or an emotion I am having. My friends trip out because I do not count bars. If you were to count my bars I have songs with like a 47 bar 1st verse and a 24 bar 2nd verse. I go by my rules. My writing collection is insane. I have saved almost everything I have written since 1998. I have it in a giant box. Some of the things in there are on cardboard, paper towels, back of phone bills, it’s really neat.

You host on HuskeyRadio.com, how did you start with that?

Yes I host Musick to Get Shot by every Thursday night 8-10PM on HuskeyRadio.com. It is awesome. It’s really a dream come true. I have so much fun and Huskey is family. It all came about out of nowhere. DJ Shownuff was the resident DJ and they needed a host. I had the privilege of being offered the position by Show and took it and ran with it. It’s definitely the highlight of my week. It is the dopest radio show in L.A. bar none.

What do you think of the state of Hip Hop?

Hip Hop is a trip. The minute you think it’s over and washed up dead from mainstream raping. You go to a little underground show and its packed. Filled with positive energy and people are vibing out, having the time of their life, listening to great music and hanging with friends. I think people tend to forget that Hip Hop is a Community and each one must help one. I wrote a hook a long time ago and I think it is golden. Don’t ask what Hip Hop can do for you; ask what you can do for Hip Hop.”

Who would you like to work with?

Wow tuff question. I am willing to work with anybody who has a fire in their soul to make something happen and has the talent and skill to back it up. The complete package so to say. Thing is I think folks forget that the Music game is the hardest industry in the World. For example you can go to college. You can graduate Med School and after 10 years of education you are pretty much guaranteed a job somewhere. I have been doing music for 12 solid years. I have put out 8 albums, toured the USA and would love to quit my day job and just do music and or art to survive. I mean even less than minimum wage as long as I got shelter and food I am good. Nowadays I don’t know if that will ever be a realistic possibility.

On Dead Androids, you have an all Spanish track “No Me Digas Nada” now, first assumption of you is not one that you speak Spanish lol, how did you learn “La Lengua” (The Language)

Why because I am White? Just Kidding. Yes I am a white boy in a black sport and speak fluent Spanish. I have spoken Spanish since I was 4 years old. I have lived all over Mexico. I lived in Acapulco, Guadalajara, Los Mochis, Nogales and Hermosillo. I love Mexico. I remember where I grew up a lot of people had family from Mexico or South America and they spoke zero Spanish. This was cause for endless fist fights. Funniest thing ever was when I was in 1st grade. At the end of the school year the counselors come in and evaluate the students. I remember them asking if I spoke any other languages I was like I speak Spanish. When I started 2nd grade the next year they threw me in an E.S.L. (English is Second Language) class. I was a little kid I had no idea. I was really confused why nobody spoke English. Apparently they had never heard of anyone who spoke two languages at 6-7 years old and that the 2nd language was Spanish not English. I like to think of myself as a dope rhymer. Why not floss in other languages you can speak. I think my style in English is the exact same in Spanish only different dialect.

Is there a Spanish Comic Book in the works?

I do want to do a Spanish comic but with all these stories to write this year in English I may be postponing it until next year.

Where can people contact you for music/collabs/interviews/etc?

You can contact me at GutterWaterMusic.com, TacoComics.com, HuskeyRadio.com or:

Direct E-mail- iotaarcane@gmail.com



As promised here are 3 exlusive tracks from “Dead Androids”

Click Here for “Imaginary Slave”

Click Here for “Rest of The World”

Click Here for “Time Function Duality”

Friday, January 29, 2010

Illegal Theatre.. "Shadow Government"

Our Government is out of control or better yet in full control. For many people it is hard to grasp the concept of the few controlling the many but it has been like this for centuries and maybe even millennium. There are a few organizations like the Trilateral Commission, The Council On Foreign Relations and The Bilderberg Group that dictate global policy. Every President's cabinet has been full of members of these secret cabals including Obama's. As more and more power is being centralized it will only take one crisis to lock down our country. Many people either deny the facts or ask "What can I do"..I believe we must start with the self and than we move on to others. Submit or Resist.

This is a new documentary about our present situation and kicks the truth about the "Shadow Government". It does have a christian undertone but the film is very good at exposing the control grid that has been put into place the past couple decades. A lot of people say they don't mind being watched because they dont have anything to hide. Well, that's fine but what happens if one day something you love or are involved in is made illegal and the information they have compiled on you is than used against you? Do you want to live in a totalitarian state? Will you sacrifice liberty for security? Just look at history and what happens to citizens who do give up freedom to fight some bull shit boogie men. We have to start getting out of our comfort zones.

Buy the Shadow Government HERE. You can Watch the entire movie HERE

Oddity Orwell
Wretched Earth Coming Soon


Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Illegal Theatre.."The Architects Of Control"

Yo Yo... What up people. So here is a new flick on who is controlling our thoughts.
Click Here to watch the next parts of the movie. It is by Michael Tsarion and it is called "The Architects Of Control". To buy the DVD Click Here. I hope you watch it and enjoy.
New Album Coming Soon..
Castor Pollux and Oddity Orwell are Wretched Earth "Revelations 13:9"

Monday, January 18, 2010

Friday, January 8, 2010

Aspartame Is Killing You

We are living in a strange and vital time now. The smallest decisions we make in our every day lives can have an effect on our entire life as a whole. I know we are at war and there is a war being waged against our minds, bodies and spirits. There is a global conspiracy taking place today and if you can not see it you may need to replace your alarm clock. Many deny it. Some accept it. Few fight it. But all of us are involved in it. This conspiracy is involved in every aspect of the human life. It is the unseen hand that directs the so called “leaders” of our nations and the puppeteers that manipulate global economic events. Like I said there is a war going on and the weaponry being used is a vast arsenal of psychological toxins that weaken our mind, body, and soul. This is the first installment in a series of thoughts I will be writing down. This is about the Aspartame.

Aspartame, labeled as phenylalanine in products, is an intense artificial sweetener (about 200 times sweeter than sugar) that has been used in soft drinks and other low-calorie or sugar-free foods around the world for the past 25 years. Aspartame is the technical name for the brand names NutraSweet, Equal, Spoonful, and Equal-Measure.

Aspartame is found in soft drinks, chewing gum, yogurt, breath mints, candies, cereals, topping mixes, juices, teas, coffees, multi vitamins, gelatine desserts, frozen desserts, pharmaceutical drugs and supplements, energy drinks, jams, jellies, frozen ice, flavored syrups for coffee, fruit spreads, maple syrups, nutritional bars, and it keeps going and going. For a detailed product list check http://www.aspartame.ca/page_a2a.html and http://supersweetblog.wordpress.com/list-of-products-containing-aspartame/

Now the history of Aspartame will give you an idea of how this sweetener is really a nuero toxin used in the war against your mind. Keep in mind aspartame was once on a Pentagon list of biowarfare chemicals submitted to Congress. So check the time line:


December 1965-- While working on an ulcer drug, James Schlatter, a chemist at G.D. Searle, accidentally discovers aspartame, a substance that is 180 times sweeter than sugar yet has no calories.

Spring 1967-- Searle begins the safety tests on aspartame that are necessary for applying for FDA approval of food additives.

Fall 1967-- Dr. Harold Waisman, a biochemist at the University of Wisconsin, conducts aspartame safety tests on infant monkeys on behalf of the Searle Company. Of the seven monkeys that were being fed aspartame mixed with milk, one dies and five others have grand mal seizures.

November 1970-- Cyclamate, the reigning low-calorie artificial sweetener -- is pulled off the market after some scientists associate it with cancer. Questions are also raised about safety of saccharin, the only other artificial sweetener on the market, leaving the field wide open for aspartame.

December 18, 1970-- Searle Company executives lay out a "Food and Drug Sweetener Strategy' that they feel will put the FDA into a positive frame of mind about aspartame. An internal policy memo describes psychological tactics the company should use to bring the FDA into a subconscious spirit of participation" with them on aspartame and get FDA regulators into the "habit of saying, "Yes"."

Spring 1971-- Neuroscientist Dr. John Olney (whose pioneering work with monosodium glutamate was responsible for having it removed from baby foods) informs Searle that his studies show that aspartic acid (one of the ingredients of aspartame) caused holes in the brains of infant mice. One of Searle's own researchers confirmed Dr. Olney's findings in a similar study.

February 1973-- After spending tens of millions of dollars conducting safety tests, the G.D. Searle Company applies for FDA approval and submits over 100 studies they claim support aspartame's safety.

March 5, 1973-- One of the first FDA scientists to review the aspartame safety data states that "the information provided (by Searle) is inadequate to permit an evaluation of the potential toxicity of aspartame". She says in her report that in order to be certain that aspartame is safe, further clinical tests are needed.

May 1974-- Attorney, Jim Turner (consumer advocate who was instrumental in getting cyclamate taken off the market) meets with Searle representatives to discuss Dr. Olney's 1971 study which showed that aspartic acid caused holes in the brains of infant mice.

July 26, 1974-- The FDA grants aspartame its first approval for restricted use in dry foods.

August 1974-- Jim Turner and Dr. John Olney file the first objections against aspartame's approval.

March 24, 1976-- Turner and Olney's petition triggers an FDA investigation of the laboratory practices of aspartame's manufacturer, G.D. Searle. The investigation finds Searle's testing procedures shoddy, full of inaccuracies and "manipulated" test data. The investigators report they "had never seen anything as bad as Searle's testing."

January 10, 1977-- The FDA formally requests the U.S. Attorney's office to begin grand jury proceedings to investigate whether indictments should be filed against Searle for knowingly misrepresenting findings and "concealing material facts and making false statements" in aspartame safety tests. This is the first time in the FDA's history that they request a criminal investigation of a manufacturer.

January 26, 1977-- While the grand jury probe is underway, Sidley & Austin, the law firm representing Searle, begins job negotiations with the U.S. Attorney in charge of the investigation, Samuel Skinner.

March 8, 1977-- G. D. Searle hires prominent Washington insider Donald Rumsfeld as the new CEO to try to turn the beleaguered company around. A former Member of Congress and Secretary of Defense in the Ford Administration, Rumsfeld brings in several of his Washington cronies as top management.

July 1, 1977-- Samuel Skinner leaves the U.S. Attorney's office and takes a job with Searle's law firm. (see Jan. 26th)

August 1, 1977-- The Bressler Report, compiled by FDA investigators and headed by Jerome Bressler, is released. The report finds that 98 of the 196 animals died during one of Searle's studies and weren't autopsied until later dates, in some cases over one year after death. Many other errors and inconsistencies are noted. For example, a rat was reported alive, then dead, then alive, then dead again; a mass, a uterine polyp, and ovarian neoplasms were found in animals but not reported or diagnosed in Searle's reports.

December 8, 1977-- U.S. Attorney Skinner's withdrawal and resignation stalls the Searle grand jury investigation for so long that the statue of limitations on the aspartame charges runs out. The grand jury investigation is dropped.

June 1, 1979-- The FDA established a Public Board of Inquiry (PBOI) to rule on safety issues surrounding NutraSweet.

September 30, 1980-- The Public Board of Inquiry concludes NutraSweet should not be approved pending further investigations of brain tumors in animals. The board states it "has not been presented with proof of reasonable certainty that aspartame is safe for use as a food additive."

January 1981-- Donald Rumsfeld, CEO of Searle, states in a sales meeting that he is going to make a big push to get aspartame approved within the year. Rumsfeld says he will use his political pull in Washington, rather than scientific means, to make sure it gets approved.

January 21, 1981-- Ronald Reagan is sworn in as President of the United States. Reagan's transition team, which includes Donald Rumsfeld, CEO of G. D. Searle, hand picks Dr. Arthur Hull Hayes Jr. to be the new FDA Commissioner.

March, 1981-- An FDA commissioner's panel is established to review issues raised by the Public Board of Inquiry.

May 19, 1981-- Three of six in-house FDA scientists who were responsible for reviewing the brain tumor issues, Dr. Robert Condon, Dr. Satya Dubey, and Dr. Douglas Park, advise against approval of NutraSweet, stating on the record that the Searle tests are unreliable and not adequate to determine the safety of aspartame.

July 15, 1981-- In one of his first official acts, Dr. Arthur Hayes Jr., the new FDA commissioner, overrules the Public Board of Inquiry, ignores the recommendations of his own internal FDA team and approves NutraSweet for dry products. Hayes says that aspartame has been shown to be safe for its' proposed uses and says few compounds have withstood such detailed testing and repeated close scrutiny.

October 15, 1982-- The FDA announces that Searle has filed a petition that aspartame be approved as a sweetener in carbonated beverages and other liquids.

July 1, 1983-- The National Soft Drink Association (NSDA) urges the FDA to delay approval of aspartame for carbonated beverages pending further testing because aspartame is very unstable in liquid form. When liquid aspartame is stored in temperatures above 85 degrees Fahrenheit, it breaks down into DKP and formaldehyde, both of which are known toxins.

July 8, 1983-- The National Soft Drink Association drafts an objection to the final ruling which permits the use of aspartame in carbonated beverages and syrup bases and requests a hearing on the objections. The association says that Searle has not provided responsible certainty that aspartame and its' degradation products are safe for use in soft drinks.

August 8, 1983-- Consumer Attorney, Jim Turner of the Community Nutrition Institute and Dr. Woodrow Monte, Arizona State University's Director of Food Science and Nutritional Laboratories, file suit with the FDA objecting to aspartame approval based on unresolved safety issues.

September, 1983-- FDA Commissioner Hayes resigns under a cloud of controversy about his taking unauthorized rides aboard a General Foods jet. (General foods is a major customer of NutraSweet) Burson-Marsteller, Searle's public relation firm (which also represented several of NutraSweet's major users), immediately hires Hayes as senior scientific consultant.

Fall 1983-- The first carbonated beverages containing aspartame are sold for public consumption.

Isn’t that sweet; Donald Rumsfeld, the same guy that sold the public the war in Iraq and the same guy that sold Sadaam chemical weapons, brought this shit into our food. That was just a taste of the way Aspartame was legalized, just wait till you hear what it does to you.

Side Affects
Aspartame is not an additive but an excitoneurotoxic carcinogenic drug that triggers neurological disorders and affects the normal functioning of the brain. It changes brain chemistry. It also causes psychiatric and behavioral problems and interacts with all antidepressants. It also interacts with vaccines which can also cause autism. If you look at the statistics of the number of vaccines and the cases of autism, you will find out that the two correlate a little too close to be considered coincidental.

Approximately 10% of aspartame is broken down into methanol in the small intestine. Most of the methanol is absorbed and quickly converted into formaldehyde and then to formic acid. Ya it turns into formaldehyde. I bet that is good for the mind and body. Aspartame accounts for over 75 percent of the adverse reactions to food additives reported to the FDA. A few of the 90 different documented symptoms listed in the report as being caused by aspartame include: Headaches/migraines, dizziness, seizures, nausea, numbness, muscle spasms, weight gain, rashes, depression, fatigue, irritability, tachycardia, insomnia, vision problems, hearing loss, heart palpitations, breathing difficulties, anxiety attacks, slurred speech, loss of taste, tinnitus, vertigo, memory loss, and joint pain.

According to researchers and physicians, chronic illnesses like Brain tumors, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, chronic fatigue syndrome, parkinson's disease, alzheimer's, mental retardation, lymphoma, birth defects, fibromyalgia, and diabetes can be triggered or caused by the ingestion of Aspartame.

Just do some research and stop consuming literal shit.
